Tuesday September 5th, 2023

Here I talk a little bit about my feelings related to being betrayed by the Canadian Armed Forces.

Never forget, it wasn’t that the CFNIS in 2011 were a bunch of illiterate clodhoppers who couldn’t investigate their way out of an open field on a sunny afternoon.

They were as they always have been. Soldiers fulfilling the duties of police officers. Soldiers first, police officers 2nd. Soldiers bound by the National Defence Act to follow the “lawful” commands of their superiors. It says lawful and not legal for a reason.

Master Corporal Robert Jon Hancock;
Master Corporal Christian Cyr;
Warrant Officer Blair Hart;
Master Warrant Officer Terry Eisenmenger.
Lt. Col. Gilles Sansterre.

They could have brought justice to me and the other children from Canadian Forces Base Namao, but instead they decided that it was far better to play the faithful soldier and to obey their respective chain of command.

The CFNIS had the CFSIU investigation paperwork.

The CFNIS had the court martial transcripts.

The provost marshal withheld the CFSIU paperwork and the Court Martial transcripts from the MPCC in 2012.

There was never going to be any justice for me.

This was all a game of lies, deceit, and gaslighting to keep the events of 1980 under wraps and to keep the fact that victims of military child sexual whom were sexually abused by persons subject to the Code of Service Discipline on Canadian Forces Bases prior to 1998 can never legally receive justice due to various flaws in the pre-1998 National Defence Act.

Author: bobbiebees

I started out life as a military dependant. Got to see the country from one side to the other, at a cost. Tattoos and peircings are a hobby of mine. I'm a 4th Class Power Engineer. And I love filing ATIP requests with the Federal Government.

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